Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg 100 Kapseln


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High-quality Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg 100 Kapseln

Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg is a high-quality anabolic steroid that offers numerous benefits for bodybuilders and athletes. With its potent formula and reliable results, this product is a popular choice among both beginners and advanced users.

Product Details and Characteristics

  • Each bottle contains 100 capsules of Oral Turinabol, with each capsule containing 10 mg of the active ingredient.
  • Manufactured by Avory Pharma, a reputable pharmaceutical company known for its commitment to quality and safety.
  • Oral Turinabol is derived from Dianabol, but with modifications that make it less androgenic, resulting in fewer side effects.
  • It has a moderate anabolic effect, promoting muscle growth, strength gains, and improved athletic performance.
  • Oral Turinabol is known for its ability to enhance nitrogen retention, leading to increased protein synthesis and muscle recovery.
  • This steroid also helps to reduce SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin), allowing more free testosterone to be available for muscle building.

Benefits and Uses

Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg offers a range of benefits for bodybuilders and athletes:

  • Promotes lean muscle mass and strength gains
  • Enhances athletic performance and endurance
  • Improves nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Reduces SHBG levels, increasing free testosterone
  • Aids in muscle recovery and reduces post-workout fatigue

Possible Side Effects

While Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects:

  • Mild androgenic effects, such as oily skin and acne
  • Possible liver toxicity, especially with prolonged use or high dosages
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Potential cardiovascular risks, including increased cholesterol levels

Dosage and Administration

For beginners, a typical dosage of Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg is 20-40 mg per day, divided into two equal doses. Advanced bodybuilders may increase the dosage to 50-80 mg per day, also split into two doses. It is recommended to use this steroid for a cycle of 6-8 weeks.

Indications and Contraindications

Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg is indicated for individuals looking to enhance their athletic performance, increase muscle mass, and improve strength. However, it is important to note that this product is not suitable for everyone. It should not be used by individuals with the following conditions:

  • Prostate or breast cancer
  • High blood pressure or cardiovascular disease
  • Liver or kidney problems
  • Allergies to any of the ingredients

Why Buy from Online-Steroids.com?

When purchasing Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg, it is crucial to choose a reliable and trustworthy source. Here’s why you should buy from our website, Online-Steroids.com:

  • We only offer genuine and high-quality products from reputable manufacturers.
  • Our website is secure and ensures the privacy of your personal information.
  • We provide discreet packaging and fast shipping to ensure your order arrives safely and on time.
  • Our customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
  • We offer competitive prices and regular discounts, making it cost-effective to purchase from us.

Choose Avory Pharma Oral Turinabol 10 mg from Online-Steroids.com and experience the benefits of this powerful anabolic steroid for yourself. Take your athletic performance and physique to the next level!


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